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TheBeautifulLadies -

Project Challenge


The COVID-19 epidemic has significantly expanded the use of eCommerce platforms in Bangladesh. People who are attempting to maintain social distance during these difficult times are increasingly dependent on the internet to purchase their fundamental requirements.

Businesses such as Beauty Co. may take advantage of this circumstance to expand their client base and earn more profit by offering their consumers a wonderful experience.

Our project aim was to revamp the Beauty Co. app while keeping the end-users in mind at all times. We wanted to make sure that our version addressed all of the usability concerns raised by users and included all of the major features that they requested..

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The Research

As an initial process, the problems faced by customers were taken into consideration. A general inquiry about problems faced by people at salons was conducted among my friends, who come from different parts of Kerala.

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The Solution

While creating a product for the public which can drastically improve their life, the business of the product should also be considered. Salone can generate a small profit as a commission from each booking.

Additionally, while listing salons, they can promote themselves for a small price. This will generate an income for Salone and the promoted salons can have a hike in customers, which will, in turn, improve their business.

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Design Experience